Saturday, December 28, 2019
An Examination of the Laws Guiding Aircraft Financing and Leasing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2824 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? CHAPTER 1 Introduction The airline industry became known in the 1920s but its full development started after the Second World War 11. During the 1950s, aircrafts began to be used for leisure trips as well as for business trips. Due to this expansion of global and domestic air transport system, the aviation industry has made the global economics and cultures cross-fertilized and caused markets to proliferate in number and to grow in size and wealth. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Examination of the Laws Guiding Aircraft Financing and Leasing" essay for you Create order Recently, the aviation industry is an important part of growth to the world economy and must be careful in other for failure not to occur. For this growth to remain in the economy, a considerable amount of capital is needed to support the growth of airlines à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Fleet sizeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Aircraft finance could mean à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Financing an Aircraftà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. An aircraft is moveable and tangible as defined by article 7 of the Chicago convention of 7th December 1944[1]. Therefore, an aircraft is alleged to be asset gotten through finance, it has its value and earns good returns. According to Ronald Scheinberg in his book[2], it mentioned that the aircraft finance industry presently is in surplus of US$ 100 billion per year for financing new aircrafts[3]. There are different things that have to do with purchasing an aircraft for an airline industry. Before any purchase can made, firstly the price of the aircraft must be put into consideration which will t hen be negotiated between the manufacturer and the purchaser especially when there is a consideration on buying a large number of airplanes. Another aspect to consider is the financial institution or bank for funds and a life insurance company. Airlines hardly buy aircrafts with their own funds. Instead, they obtain financial assistance in the form of a loan from banks or financial institutions with a secured debenture like personal property or the use of the aircraft as collateral which will be called an equitable trust. In this recent time, it is common with airlines to lease their airlines either by rental or by a long term lease with the right to acquire. The book à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“An Introduction to Airline Economicsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [4] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“stated that the legal instruments under which aircrafts are financed or leased varies in the range of secured debt and lease financing device signifies an almost continuous spectrum in the line between one and the otherà ¢Ã¢â€ š ¬Ã‚ . However, aircraft financing is a complex method which involves not only the final users of the aircraft but also the manufacturers, banks, private investors, trustees and institutional lenders. Moreover, aircrafts are expensive and moveable; even if the capital for purchase is available, a factor to consider is risk and flexibility which may affect the acquisition transaction. Aircraft leasing is an important part of financing and accounting of airline companies as regards size of capital as well as the difficulty of the classification. Because of its capital nature, majority of these airlines depend on other means of resources for the purchase of an aircraft. Leasing is a vital means used by airlines to take possession of aircrafts when they are facing financial difficulties. However, lease categorization and other related accounting treatments are critical to the airlines and the industry. An aircraft is not about its ownership but the use of it because an organizat ion may wish to purchase an aircraft for use but finds it unnecessary to purchase its legal title. Leasing is a way of acquiring economic use of an aircraft for a specific period of time without getting ownership interest for the asset. During this period, the lessor (owner) grants the lessee (borrower) to use the property for the stated period of time as agreed and payments will be made to the lessor[5]. An agreement between the lessor and the lessee allows the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time in return of payment which is known as a lease. This is sometimes referred to as hire or hire-purchase contracts or referred to as lease term. As a rule, a lease cannot be cancelled by either of the parties unless there are certain terms and conditions stated in the agreement contract that could prompt its cancellation (bankruptcy, death or non-payment). These lease agreements can state an earlier cancellation on a reasonable ground on a particular date with or without pe nalty for different predestined grounds. At the end of the lease agreement term, the lessee is meant to return the asset to the lessor, except the lessor provides an alternative means for the lessee to purchase the asset. A purchase alternative price is normally in formula base and may be optional for market value or small amount depending on the type of lease. Nevertheless, the problem question of this study is that, it will critically examine the financial aspect relating to leasing, how leasing should be considered during the acquisition process as against the purchase choice with special reference around the world. It will also look carefully on the types of leasing involved, operation or financing an aircraft, its limits, challenges in the airline industry, effects and implications of aircraft financing. 1.1Scope of study Aircraft financing has a wild range of study because it looks at all the aspects of financing which are mostly used around the world purchasing an ai rcraft. It will give us an insight of the financial institutions which provides the leasing facilities to acquire an aircraft. This dissertation will show methods of how different countries carry on with financing/leasing and the laws that also abides to financing and leasing. 1.2Aim of the Study The main aim of this research is to carry out a critical examination on the laws guiding aircraft financing and leasing in the aviation industry and offer unique contributions from a legal point of view. This research is to find out the best typical method to purchase an aircraft from the state of transaction through to the execution and documentation processes, conferring on the issues that arises and decision. It is suggested that a complete examination of the interrelationship between the law and practices of the typical provisions on aircraft operating leases has been rather an understudied area of aircraft finance law to date. For the outline, this dissertation will look at In troduction which is largely descriptive; the Aircraft Operating Lease and Finance which will be analytical and based on research, and will constitute by far the greater body of this study and then conclusion. Lastly, realities, challenges and ambitions will be added at the end of this dissertation suggesting out a form of aircraft operating lease for a second hand aircraft which is used by a leading commercial aircraft leasing company. This will differentiate in details from the second hand by other leasing companies but will explain the contents in the current state of the market. This addition will be precise in showing many of the points made and cross-references will be made where appropriate 1.3Research Methodology In other to get good resources and knowledge on this study, it will be important to study all the laws and materials which relates to this dissertation using Articles, Journals, and books. Using all these materials will support and make this research a bit e asy. This research will be based on critical thinking, reasonable, realistic, practical and full functional examination study using a wholly qualitative method. 1.4Data Collection All sources that will be used to carry out this research are secondary materials. As earlier mentioned the research is wholly a qualitative method. On the proposal, the literature review has shown that the secondary data are available in books, articles, journals and internet base using Westlaw, LexisNexis, Air and Space law journal and internet as a whole. Chapter 2 2.0Aircraft Financing In the Industry The airline industry is a vital industry that has contributed greatly into the entire economy of the world. The industry receives important attention from policy makers and analysts[6]. Aircraft finance is a special unit in the aircraft industry and its purpose consist of leasing, owning and sales of aircraft. This unit relies on a limited revenue sources. The cash flow gotten from this revenue will be used for the payment of operation and other relevant expenses of aircraft finance. Also, to service the interest of outstanding notes, related liquidity reserves and to issue any outstanding amounts to the owners of the beneficial interest certificates[7]. Aircraft finance is the ability to generate enough cash from its aircraft assets to repay the notes which depends on the rental rates it can get from the lease which the lessee agreed on the terms and the price it can realize on any aircraft sale[8]. But for aircraft finance to service th is notes, will depend on the stage of an aircraft finance expenses which includes its maintenance and any unforeseen liabilities. The ability of aircraft finance to produce incomes depends larger on how much effort put by the independent third party service providers as part of their duties and responsibilities. The controlling bodies or trustees have failed in their duties for the property and concerns of aircraft finance due to the terms and conditions of the trust agreement and the indenture. Controlling trustees depend on GE capital aviation services limited (GECAS), Phoenix American Financial Services Inc (Phoenix), the administrative agent, financial advisor and security trustee, Wilmington trust company and Deutsche bank trust company Americas (owner trustee) formerly known as Bankers trust company. In the past, Lehman Brothers Inc acted as an advisor to 3 different aircraft finance and became liquidated in September 2008. Afterwards, Credit Suisse securities (Credit Suisse) was appointed as a replacement to Lehman[9] The development of aircraft financing has been tested through different stages to get to its position. The banking sector support the initial stage followed by the equipment trust certificate (ETC), also the Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate (EETC), then finally, the Asset Backed Security (ABS). Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate (EETC) is a corporate bond that share features like credit trenching and liquidity facilities. But Asset Back Security is a different entirely because they are not corporate bonds but backed by leases and attached to a number of airlines instead of been attached to a single airline and this is based on the cash flow from the aircraft leases, loans and collaterals worth of an aircraft. 2.1The Legal Aspect of Aircraft Financing Generally, one of the major problems one may encounter when considering acquiring an aircraft is financing the transaction. Firstly, an airline will contact the manu facturer of an aircraft before purchasing in other to know the financial amount involved because they can be very expensive and this may lead to sourcing for funds to acquire one. Therefore, this will lead to borrowing of money to pay for the purchases then leads to the next stage which is the application process and the types of methods and documents that will be necessary before the acquisition is accepted[10]. 2.2Application Process To purchase an airline, getting a loan is required; therefore the same information needed in purchasing a real estate might be needed to acquire loan to pay for the aircraft. Before this application is made, there might be need to find out if one is credit worthy, if not the possibility of getting the loan becomes void. One important thing that must be done before starting an application process is to assess the credit score. Over the years, prospective creditors had access to a credit score number allocated to the people who applied for cred it until the current change in law because one could not access its own credit score but now they can[11]. Most lenders also get to know about current and potential credit earnings by putting a telephone call through to the employer to confirm the statement presented income tax return in order to get a good employment background history to make sure one is capable to generate income or have enough assets to back up a good loan. This leads to the types of loan documents one would need to felicitate one. Loan documents There are usually document that will be required when applying for a loan for the purchase of an aircraft. These documents are security agreement, promissory note and personal guarantees. Promissory Notes The most important document that must be signed is a promissory note and signing this note, means you must agree to pay the holder of the note the sum owed in addition with any interest as mentioned in the promissory note. One must bear in mind that the notes may be kept by a different holder who may be receiving the payment. The reason for this is because; in most cases the notes might be a negotiable instrument (that is it can be transferred from one holder to another). A promissory note shows the amount that you owe the holder and the interest rates as discussed between the borrower and the lender and this can vary from different buyer and seller agreements. Failure to pay this loan can lead to bad financial risk transaction. Security Agreement On security agreement, a promissory note is a lenderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s legal sign and evidence that one will pay a loan. However, this promissory note is not enough evidence for the lender that monies will be paid back. In other words, a show of assets (properties) must be added to make the promissory note valid. In considering this risk, the lender will want to get security interest over the aircraft. That is, failure to pay the loan back, the lender can make a claim on the aircraft. However, if the lender is a bank or a financial institution or funds are saved with either of them, the bank or the financial institution can have access to this money. But if the aircraft is repossessed by the lender, one can reclaim the aircraft back before it is sold. For this to be possible, it will amount to full amount paid to clear the debts of the loan and a substantial amount put down to run the loan. However, the attempt of getting back an aircraft might fail because someone else has pur chased the aircraft. When this is done, the difference between what was paid and the loan balance is called à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Deficiencyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . This balance is the money paid to the lender to finish paying the loan. It is necessary to note that any change in title to an aircraft may prompt the need to make full payment of the loan. And this type of loan is known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Due on Saleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ clause. This basically means that one cannot transfer title to any other person or entity as long as the loan balances exist without approval from the lender. Guarantees If you make a decision to form a separate entity to have an aircraft, the lender may need the borrower and/or fellow members or shareholders or partners to attest and guarantee making the borrower personally responsible for the payment of the promissory note. The lender accepts this because in some cases, the entity formed may have no assets, credit history or earnings other than the aircraft. The guarantee will mention that if the aircraft owing entity defaults on the agreement signed, the lender will take the payments. Therefore, a personal guarantee is meant to be taken seriously or else the law will impose them, personal credit and assets will be at risk when one fails to comply with the agreement[12]. [1] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"un appareil pouvant se soutenir dans là ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢atmosphere grace aux reactions de là ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢air. These same words were used in article 1 of the law of 27 June 1937 concerning air navigation. [2] The Commercial Aircraft Financial Handbook [3] The aircraft finance market for used aircraft is yet another multi-billion market. [4] William E.Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Connor [5] Kieso Weygandt, Intermediate Accounting 9th Ed, Moyer,McGuigan and Kretlow, Comptemporary Financial Management,11th Ed [6] Bijan Vasigh, Reze Taleghani,Darryl Jenkins, Strategies for managing capital cost in Turbulent industry 2012 [7] Aircraft finance trust annual information statement, Dec 31, 2010 [8] ibid [9] Risk and uncertainties facing aircraft finance- Risk regarding note payments and liquidity. An effect of Lehman Bankruptcy on aircraft financeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hedging strategy aircraft finance trust annual information statement for the fiscal yea r ended December 31, 2005. Also, aircraft finance trust annual information statement for the year ended December 31st, 2010 [10] Aircraft financing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" what you should know as originally appeared in finance, offshore à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"summer 2011 [11] A credit score fall between 300 and 900 with 900 the largest possible credit score which borders on some criteria. Payment history (about 35% of the score); amounts owned (about 30% of the score); length of credit (about 15% of the score); pattern of credit used (about 10%of the score); type of credit used (about 10% of the score). Nevertheless, if oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s credit score is 650 and above, then that amounts to a good excellent credit history and cannot come across any problem with the credit checks. But a score of 600-650 signifies average to a good credit history and this makes it possible in getting a loan at the going rates and if the score is below 600, there might be possible problems. [12] Raym ond C. Speciale, Aircraft ownership: a legal and tax guide (2003)
Friday, December 20, 2019
Summary Of Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell Essay
1. Introduction Since John McGraw and Connie Mack were inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame in 1937, only 21 other managers have accomplished the same feat. To put that into perspective, there have been a total of 697 managers since Major League Baseball (MLB) was made official in 1876. According to the â€Å"San Diego Reader†, in 2000, only 15,213 people had played in the MLB and as of 2016, only 217 players have been inducted. This means that a player is 3x more likely to make the Hall of Fame than a manager is. It comes as no surprise that more experience with a task, the easier that task comes to the individual. Malcolm Gladwell writes about the 10,000 hours rule in his famous book â€Å"Outliers†. To summarize this means that an individual cannot become an expert on something until he or she has practiced for 10,000 hours. In the past two MLB off seasons there have been 11 manager changes. Six of these changes have given birth to six first-time MLB managers and five have gone to returning managers. There is a new trend or thought process is that the manager is not that effective. This comes from the idea that a manager often does not come in with a new system like coaches in other sports may. Often in the MLB, a manager’s impact may not been seen day in and day out. Also a manager’s experience will not deteriorate his effectiveness with age, whereas a player’s effectiveness often declines at the end of his or her career. However a manager’s experience cannot physically goShow MoreRelatedAlex Reine . Ms.Stroud. English Iii. 3/5/17. Book Summary.In1278 Words  | 6 PagesAlex Reine Ms.Stroud English III 3/5/17 Book Summary In Outliers, Gladwell attempts to answer, What makes some people successful while others cannot seem to realize their full potential? 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B ivariate Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detect Outliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transform Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Flvs Poetry Contest Essay Example For Students
Flvs Poetry Contest Essay On both copies print or type the division Minor or Senior) in the upper left hand ornery. No other identification should appear on the first copy. B. On the second copy only, place all following information in the upper right hand corner: Grade: Students Name: Students Full Address: (Street) Name Complete Address of Name : Teachers Full School District: CERTIFICATION: Also, on the second copy only, students must certify the originality of the poem and that it has not been copied in whole or part from any other authors work, including poems posted on the internet. This certification is required by the Manning contest (see below) and should be worded as follows: retire that the poem _(title) l _(written signature) is my own original work. Note: Any poems that do not follow the above requirements , format, and certification will be disqualified. Submission to this contest should be done with the understanding that announcement of the winners names, teachers, and schools may appear on the FSP website and in its newsletter. PRIZES: This year all winners in each division will receive cash awards (1st$25, 2nd$1 5, 3rd$10 and $5 for each of five honorable mention awards). Each winner will also have their poems printed in the Florida State Poets Associations Anthology 32 and will receive copies of the anthology as well as award certificates..
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Performance management Essay Example For Students
Performance management Essay A local council has just received approval for 15 million from the National Lottery to build a new Arts, Media and Cultural Centre but it needs to find the matching capital Money for the project. It has also to find the annual running costs of 1 million for the new facility at the same sound as it needs to reduce its total Leisure and Arts budget by 5 million. How can performance management and review processes assist with this complex decision and ensure that effective delivery of the project if agreed?The local council has three main problems to resolve from this scenario. These are:1. Matching the capital money and running costs of the proposed project. 2. Significantly reducing the leisure and arts budget, the sector in which the proposed project is in. 3. Keeping all major interest groups internally and externally from the project, relatively content. However, the problems involving the interest groups are virtually impossible to resolve. This is due to peoples contradicting needs; this creates the task of catering for each individual group’s needs, which is unobtainable. Therefore, the council must take an interest in the most significant party, the public; this includes the implications of the other major problems. Performance management and review can be an aid to this project, by analysing the various options and solutions and deciding on the best course of action. Each of the three main problems may be divided into a list containing various sub problems, which create the overall problems. Each of these problems must be solved by prioritising in order of importance, in order to produce the most effective solution to the project. Performance management has been defined as â€Å"a strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by improving the performance of the people who work in them and by developing the capabilities of teams and individual contributors: (Armstrong and Baron 1998). Another definition however is that performance management is the systematic design, collection, analysis and review of information. In order to manage there is a need to establish and quantify what may be managed and how. For the ability to use performance management within the project, it needs to be segmented into various sections that can possibly be measured over the duration of the project. The project has multiple objectives that need defining. These objectives are usually defined and the outcomes normally judged using the five E’s:Economy: The effective acquisition of inputs, largely a value for money concept. Efficiency: The ratio of inputs to outputs. The efficiency level will be increased if the output is consistent while input levels fall, or output is raised while input while input remains consistent. Effectiveness: The extent of goal acheivementEquity: Observance of criteria of fairnesss. This is probably the most significant condition for good performance. Electability: Political affirmation of good performance that will prove essential for survival. These five factors aid in providing parameters for judging performance. To enable measurements of the performance, the project needs to be subdivided into various sections known as milestones. To achieve the various milestones, the manager will need to create an action plan. This is a breakdown of what, where and when various activities are going to occur. There are many problems associated with public sector performance management. Some of these problems are as follows:? There are not enough targets to attain. ? There tends to be too many indicators. ? There is a lethargic reporting style, however the reporting systems tend to be loose. In the case of this project for the local council there needs to be a hierarchy of objectives, these must range from corporate to individual objectives. The corporate objectives for the local council may be as follows:1. To design, build and tender for the centre within the budget allocated and within any time frame allocated by the capital provider. 2. To allocate appropriate funds from the local authority budget to enable the project for the centre to proceed. 3. To increase, restructure or divert the revenue budgets of the local authority to accommodate the running of the centre. The examples of the objectives above are broad in context. This is deliberately to enable any changes through revenue and allocations of funds to the centre to be accommodated for within the objectives. There may be political issues involved within the development of obtaining these major corporate objectives. These may include the raising of tax, the proposed centre having to match the running costs or possibly the allocation of funds from other local authority departments. These objectives are not as narrowly defined as those from the private sector or if it were a PFI (Private Finance Initiative) project, this is due to the need to insure that all stakeholders may be taken into consideration. Although these objectives are corporate, they usually are allocated to an individual to oversee. This method within the public sector could cause problems within the board; these problems are due to the possibility of one-upmanship. Within the local authority, there are other objectives which must be satisfied, these link and are interdependent with the corporate objectives. An example may be that the Arts and Leisure Director needs to set out his objectives for achieving the design and building requirements. Example – Objective Carry out the Tender procedure within 6 months: Activity or milestoneActionDeadlineA.Appoint ConsultantBy End of Month 1B.Approve BudgetBy Start of Month 2C. Finalise DesignBy End of Month 2D.Send spending specificationBy Start of Month 3for TendingE. Evaluate TendersBy End of Month 4F.Appoint ContractBy End of Month 5G.Complete ContractBy End of Month 6The Milestones are time related, they can be measured and if slippage occurs, action can be taken to bring the plan back on schedule or negotiations can take place to approve an extension. Another example may be that of the Director of Finance or the treasurers objective, such as the following: 1. Reassign budget areas and make alterations to the allocations / Negotiate the Leisure and Arts Budget. The Church of Scientology EssayIf the project is successfully implemented the Performance Management does not stop as it can continue with the development of the Arts, Media and Culture Centre. With the evolution of the facility, new Performance Indicators can be introduced for further review. Examples of this are as follows. A performance indicator as a standard may be set for attracting X number of clients per Day/Week/Month etc. So X people per month could be the Performance Indicator to compare with the actual figure. The actual and the Performance Indicator can be compared and if they are not in sync, action to bring it into alignment can be devised and implemented. Similarly revenue/income can be considered as a performance indicator, based on collecting the 1million running costs. This again can be monitored routinely to see if the assumptions were completed, what the time of year effect is etc. Excessive use of Performance indicators, particularly those published externally, may encourage particular actions by public sector managers: 1)Tunnel Vision refers to the idea of managers being so concerned with reaching performance targets that they exclude other important areas. 2) Suboptimization is the problem of managers pursuing their own objectives and ignoring opportunities for the organisation. 3) Myopia is the problem of concentration on the short term with lack of concern as to what might happen in the long term due to simply trying to meet current performance targets. 4) Convergence – this is the problem of the objective being set as simply not to stand out as being a bad performer, rather than to try and do the best. 5) Ossification – the practice of avoiding innovation. 6) Gaming – This is altering the organisations behaviour so as to gain a strategic advantage. 7) Misrepresentation – This involves trying to ‘fix’ the figures, using such methods as creative accounting and fraud. Managers are also made sensitive to the indicators with which the electoral representatives are held to account. The idea that managers of public services leave their political views etc. at home, is widely discredited. People working in public sector organisations are not neutral, and tend to develop their own goals that may or may not be compatible with the goals of the organisation. There are also other problems with this approach that must be taken into account. There are a number of problems with comparability with other authorities in terms of the breakdown of standardisation of any performance management approach, the fact that ‘inputs’ vary between authorities (also different items under managerial control), the fact that if budget does not allow for maximum capacity it will lead to different unit costs for the outputs and it being hard to judge the true intangible ‘value’ of services. There are specific problems generated by an organisational resistance to stretch. After it has been laid down a while, staff learns to â€Å"fool the system†and creative accounting may also be used. These are further examples of staff pursuing self-interests rather than the interests of the organisation. Performance Management is a subjective means of managing projects using performance indicators and performance review. There are a number of interest groups and their views and interest are an important part of Performance Review. The key to successful implementation of Performance Management and Review Techniques to assist with the complex decision implementation of the new Lottery Funded Arts, Media and Cultural Centre and ensure effective delivery are as follow: (a) Ensure the objectives are realistic(b) Ensure all objectives link together(c) Ownership of the objective is paramount(d) Should not be used as a stick to control someone(e) Ensure all milestones are measured(f) Ensure the recipient of the objective knows how, when and where reviews will take place(g) Don’t review too often too quickly. Despite the mentioned problems, there is still a great deal of potential for performance management and review systems. A great deal of effort needs to be put into constructing a performance management system, but as long as the users are aware of the potential difficulties, many problems can be overcome. BibliographyArmstrong, M and Baron, A (1998) Performance Management: The New Realities, London Institute of Personnel and Development. Nutley, S and Osborne, S (1994) The Public Sector Management Handbook, London: Longman. Bevard, T, Davis, P and Green, J (1998) More For Less: Practical coping strategies for managing limited resources.
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