Thursday, November 28, 2019
Arctic Power - A Case Analysis Essays - Cleaning Products
Arctic Power - A Case Analysis ARCTIC POWERA CASE ANALYSIS CURRENT SITUATION It is the summer of 1987. Arctic Power laundry detergent has contracted with the consulting firm of Smith and Jones, LTD to assist Arctic Power in determining their strategic direction and their product positioning. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Arctic Power, a laundry detergent specially formulated to clean in cold water, is part of Colgate-Palmolive Canada family of products. Colgate-Palmolive Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the multinational corporation Colgate Palmolive. In 1986 Colgate-Palmolive had worldwide sales of $4.9 billion with profits of $178 million, with Colgate-Palmolive Canada having sales of $250 million. Colgate-Palmolive Canada (CPC) has a wide variety of household and personal care products. Among the most popular CPC brands are ABC, Arctic Power, and Fab laundry detergents, Palmolive dish soap, Ajax and Irish Spring body soaps, Ultra Brite and Colgate toothpaste, and Baggies storage bags. Colgate-Palmolive Canada uses a product management system in which product managers are assigned specific responsibility for a specific brand such as Arctic Power. Their overall goals are to increase sales and profitability of their brands. The project manager is responsible for all the marketing functions, including planning, advertising, selling, promotion, and market research. An assistant product manager is assigned to work with the product manager. Prior to the late 1970s Colgate-Palmolive Canada supported their brands on a national basis, then changed strategy as CPC realized they were spreading their resources too thin. During the late 1970s through the early 1980s, CPC shifted to a regional strategy. While Arctic Power was still distributed nationally, by the end of 1981, its share of the Canadian national market was 4% (consisting of an 11% share in Quebec, 5% in the Maritimes, and 2% elsewhere in Canada). As a result, Arctic Power was heavily marketed in Quebec and the Maritimes, with promotion support being withdrawn from the rest of Canada. This regional approach was successful as Arctic Powers share of the overall Canadian market increased to 6.4% in 1985, capturing 18% of Quebec, 6% of the Maritime markets while dropping to less than 2% elsewhere in Canada. 1986-87: THE WESTERN CAMPAIGN With the success Arctic Power had in their regional strategy, Arctic Power launched a campaign to increase their market share in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Their 1986 campaigns objectives were to maintain modest overall volume growth in Quebec and the Maritimes while developing the B.C and Alberta markets. The short-term objective was to sustain unit growth while building cold water washing dominance. The long-term objective was to become the number three brand of detergent with a 12% market share and deliver an 18% contribution margin. Arctic Powers marketing strategy was to target women between ages 18-49, skewed towards the 25-34 age segment. This was to be accomplished through advertising in the media, consumer promotions, and trade promotions. The media strategy objective was to achieve high levels of message registration through high message continuity and frequency. The objective of the consumer promotions campaign is to increase the rate of usage in Quebec and the Maritimes by increasing purchase frequency. The objective in British Columbia and Alberta is to increase the rate of trial. The copy strategy in Quebec/Maritimes was to convince consumers Arctic Power is the superior detergent for cold water washing. The benefit is when consumers are washing in cold water, Arctic Power will clean clothes and remove stains more effectively. The copy strategy in B.C./Alberta was to convince consumers cold water washing is better than hot. The benefits from cold water washing are it reduces shrinkage, color run, and, energy costs. The objective of the trade promotions is to maintain regular and feature pricing equal to Tide (the #1 detergent by far in the Canadian market) and encourage prominent shelf facings. Distribution targets are 71% in B.C and 56% in Alberta. A total of $3.46 million will be spent on trade promotions with $1 million targeted to B.C. and Alberta. Results of the Western Campaign The results of the campaign clearly had an impact, particularly Alberta where brand and advertising awareness had increased. However, market share had risen and then it dropped towards the end of the campaign. While the gain in market share in a mature, slow growing market can be encouraging; the cost
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Write an Analytical Essay on Political and Economic Development in the Third World
How to Write an Analytical Essay on Political and Economic Development in the Third World Having students write analytical essays is a great way to ensure that they understand a topic. After all, the process of writing one involves a lot of research, close examination of facts, and critical thinking. Unfortunately, these essays differ from the usual pieces you write for other courses. You need to know how to effectively write one in order to secure a great grade. As overwhelmed as you may feel at the moment, writing an analytical essay, especially on a complex subject such as the political and economic development in the third world, is not complicated if you take a structured approach to the assignment. The following lines detail a framework for crafting an excellent analytic essay that will impress your instructor and get you the grade you worked hard for. Preparation Read the assigned (or chosen) essay topic/question closely. Clarify any doubts before typing a single word as it will help you write more effectively. If your knowledge on the topic is limited, read a simple introduction online. This is necessary as the main purpose of an analytical essay is to make you think about the different aspects of your topic. For instance, for a topic related to the political and economic development in the third world, you may need to brush up on a few facts, such as the criteria used to categorize countries as underdeveloped, their history, currents issues and major trends within the scope of the topic. Pre-Writing This step involves making an outline of your essay. To pull this off, you need to determine two things: Topic You Will Write On Usually, the topic assigned will be a generalized and broad such as political and economic development in the third world. You will have to narrow down the specific aspect you wish to explore. Choose a topic that interests you, one that either you know a lot about or wish to investigate further because you like it. Just make sure it is a proper, plausible statement that can be researched. Thesis Statement The thesis statement in an analytical essay is the most crucial part. Since you are writing an analytical essay, you will be presenting an idea or a claim. This is your thesis. However, your goal is to make it original and insightful. You can explore a major cause and effect relationship, analyze a persistent problem or observe the causes of changing social/economic trends. Here are a few interesting thesis statements related to political and economic development in the third world: Rapid and unplanned urbanization in developing countries is a contributing factor to social instability. More transparency in governance will increase tax compliance in the developing world. Transnational crime is a $650 billion enterprise. A significant link exists between economic underdevelopment and transnational crime. These simply serve as examples for specific avenues you can explore. If you do choose one of these themes, you will have to write it in your own words. Creating Your First Draft Traditionally, there are three basic components of an analytical essay, and it is these you should be planning to write. The Introduction An introduction is where you present your main idea to the reader. This must be done in an efficient and intriguing manner. In this section, start with a hook that grabs attention, write your main thesis, and finally write how you intend to prove your thesis. Body This section will contain the evidence and examples you provide to back up your thesis statement. It is a good idea to limit yourself to three-five paragraphs. However, if you have more supportive evidence, you may exceed that limit with moderation. Remember: each paragraph should start with a sentence that informs the reader what the paragraph is about. Next, make your claim and finally back it up with researched evidence. The final sentence should tie in your first sentence with the supportive evidence you provide. Conclusion Briefly restate your main point in two to three sentences. You can include a quote or important statistic in order to further elucidate your conclusion. Follow this outline closely and you will be able to complete your assignment in no time. However, if your instructor has given his or her own outline and set of rules, be sure to follow them and combine the tips you read here if applicable. For further referencing purposes you may also check our 23 facts on political and economic development in the the third world, 20 topics on the subject and 1 sample essay. Best of luck on your next assignment and sincere wishes for a good grade.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Salah Aldin (captur of juresalum Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Salah Aldin (captur of juresalum - Article Example The two most significant sites for Muslims in Jerusalem are Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which like the Ka’ba’ is based over a sacred stone. Above all, it is regarded as the third-holiest city in the Muslim perspective, after Mecca and Medina. Further, is it perceived that verse 44 of chapter 43 of the Koran was revealed in the city of Jerusalem: â€Å"Ask those of our messengers we went before thee-Have we appointed apart from the All-Merciful, gods to be served?†It is therefore the hope of all Muslims that this holy City will be restored to a peaceful land. How Salah Aldin took back Jerusalem In 1099, Jerusalem was dominated by the Christians in the First Crusade. In the year 1095, Pope Urban VII delivered an influential speech at the Council of Clermont following the Byzantines request for him to provide a military help against the growing threatening Seljuk Turks. This gave the Pope a chance to complete two objectives; to stop the European prince s and kings from conflicting themselves and to reunite the Western and Eastern empires of Rome. Pope Urban requested for a â€Å"Truce of God†between the rulers of Europe and begged them to restore the holy land from Muslims. It was from this point that the first Crusaders started the extensive trip to the East. They crossed strange lands they knew little about; they also had no idea of the military powers and flaws of the cities and communities they came across. On their arrival in Jerusalem in 1099, they were able to capture the prominent city from the Muslims. The Christians utilized cruel techniques to overpower the Muslims during this so called â€Å"Holy War.†Christians controlled Jerusalem for 89 years, till when a brilliant Egyptian King named Salah-al-Din took it back forcibly in1187 (Ali, 1999). During the capture, Saladin was so determined to deliver Jerusalem from the Christian influence. Unlike the Crusaders, Saladin never used the brutal ways on the Inh abitants. He instead showed mercy and restraint upon the Crusaders; he permitted them to stay or leave harmless, as they did wished. Most chose to leave, but left with masses of golden ornaments and church treasures, Saladin never minded so that he could avoid harming them. He even assigned his army to escort them safely to Tyre. On of the Chroniclers commented on Saladin’s humane treatment saying, â€Å"Who could not endure the suffering of the refugees, ordered their squires to dismount and set aged Christians upon their steeds. Some of them even carried Christian children in their arms."(Maalouf 1989). Most people complained of Saladin’s techniques, lamenting that the Muslim had no leader like Saladin and they should be grateful to him for setting up the Crusader protection of Tyre. However, this was just his character and wisdom. When his secretaries criticized about his compassion in the taking back of Jerusalem, Saladin said to them, â€Å"we will allow it to b e a victory that the world shall remember for all time.†According to Maaalouf, as compared to European conquest of the city, Saladin’s capture of Jerusalem was far more elegant and less bloody. The mosques had been ransacked and destroyed by the Christians. However, Saladin conserved and refurnished the churches as well as allowing the Byzantine patriarch to rule them directly. They prayed freely in their holy places, and Saladin handed over Christian
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